February 5, 2025
Following an invitation by the Department for Transport for local authorities to apply for devolved powers to enforce moving traffic offences, Nottingham City Council was granted enforcement powers in 2023.
Nottingham City Council’s successful application followed a public consultation in autumn 2022. Response from residents was positive, with 73% of 345 respondents in favour of the plans, and suggesting other locations where they’d like to see the powers used to make roads safer.
The first two locations where the City Council will begin moving traffic enforcement using ANPR cameras will go live on Monday 10 February:
- The section of Shakespeare Street from its junction with Goldsmith Street (the block paved pedestrian friendly area). Vehicles travelling through an area of high pedestrian activity create a significant risk of serious injury to other road users
- The section of Victoria Embankment from a point in line with the suspension bridge Vehicles travelling through the recreational area in front of the war memorial create a significant risk of serious injury to other road users. Physical barriers were previously introduced on Victoria Embankment to prevent through traffic, and these will be removed and cameras installed. The route will be clearly signed to inform drivers that ANPR technology is now in place.
During the first six months of the cameras going live, drivers will receive a warning letter if they break the law, moving to a penalty charge notice of £70, reduced to £35 if paid within 21 days, from six months after go-live OR their second offence. All money received from these fines will be spent on the scheme, such as maintenance to camera equipment or improving the highway.
In both locations, emergency vehicles, buses and permit holders will be able to travel through the area.
Nottingham City Council Leader and Executive Member for Strategic Regeneration, Transport and Communications, Councillor Neghat Khan said: “I’m pleased that Nottingham City Council, in partnership with Nottinghamshire Police are now rolling out ANPR cameras to help us enforce against Moving Traffic Offences, which will help us to take action to make roads safer.”
“Our aim in taking on moving traffic powers and enforcement is to address poor or dangerous driver behavior and better manage our highway network – thanks to our consultation held in 2022, we know that residents want safer streets and for drivers to be held accountable when they break the law.”