
Woodthorpe Grange Park Improvements

In Progress

As part of the Transforming Cities Fund, improvements will be made to Woodthorpe Grange Park from Monday 4 March for approximately 12 weeks.

What will the improvements be?

  • A new path running alongside Woodthorpe Drive side of the park
  • A new entrance to the park at Woodthorpe Drive/Mansfield Road
  • New cycle parking by Woodthorpe Grange

What are the benefits?

  • Improved path running alongside Woodthorpe Drive to enhance experience for park users
  • Considerably improved weather-proofing route for cyclists, pedestrians and mobility scooter users
  • Reducing the need for cyclists to turn right onto Woodthorpe Drive from Mansfield Road or turn left from Woodthorpe Drive onto Mansfield Road through new entrance to the park

What is the Transforming Cities Fund?

In 2020, Nottingham and Derby City Councils were successful in securing funding from the Department of Transport’s (DfT) Transforming Cities fund when they were awarded £161m for a huge programme of transport improvements.

The joint bid was the only one in the country to secure the full amount requested from the DfT. Now, Nottingham is over three years into the massive programme of works. All the schemes meet key TCF objectives: Supporting commuting, employment, development and economic growth.


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