
Published on Tuesday, July 26th, 2022 at 2:16 pm in CyclingPedestriansSafetyTransforming cities

Nottingham City Council secured funding to improve the Hucknall Road corridor for people walking, cycling and using the bus.

All phases of this scheme are now complete.


Benefits of the first phase include:

  • Footways resurfaced and widened footways in many places
  • Tree planting
  • Dedicated stepped cycle lane to enable safer cycling
  • Traffic moved further from residential properties
  • Improved reliability of bus services
  • New resident parking bays (subject to consultation)

Works on phase one of the scheme began in Autumn 2021 between Valley Road and Arnold Road. From 4 January 2022 work began on the southernmost inbound section of Hucknall Road, just after the roundabout.

Benefits of the project include:

  • Dedicated stepped cycle lane on both sides of the road to enable safer cycling
  • Dedicated marked cycle lanes near the golf club
  • Widened shared-use cycle and pedestrian footpath near Bestwood Road
  • Improved cycle and pedestrian link to Southglade Road and Andover Road
  • Footway and road resurfacing where required

© Crown copyright and database right 2022. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100019317

This project is part of Nottingham and Derby’s Transforming Cities programme. Working in partnership, Nottingham City and Derby City Councils secured £161 million from the Department for Transport to invest in local transport infrastructure that will improve sustainable transport, support growth, and encourage more low carbon journeys.


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