Nottingham City Council have been awarded over £1.7million from the Active Travel Fund for investment along Porchester Road in Mapperley – a key part of the strategic cycle network which connects the sustainable transport investment recently completed on Carlton Road.
This scheme will provide a safer active travel route for those travelling to and from residential areas, Hogarth Academy and City Centre/Carlton Road destinations.
We are using this grant money to design and build:
- A segregated, two-way cycle path on Porchester Road – beginning at Burgass Road and finishing at Kenrick Road. The two-way cycle path is proposed to be on the southbound lane carriageway between Burgass Road and Cherrywood Gardens, before switching to the northbound lane carriageway between Cherrywood Gardens and Kenrick Road- this is in order to considerably reduce the interference this scheme could have with car parking.
- One-way cycle paths for northbound and southbound users from Kenrick Road to Emmanuel Avenue.
You can view the updated designs here.
Click here for a pdf of the above plan
Phase 1: Burgass Road to Cherrywood Gardens – Monday 29th July 2024 – End of Feb 2025
Phase 1 is the construction of a segregated two-way cycle path on the southbound lane carriageway between Burgass Road and Cherrywood Gardens. Improvements will also be made to road crossings and junctions to improve walking routes and accessibility of footways for all users.
We will be starting the phase 1 work outside the Hogarth Academy. This work has been programmed to be undertaken during the school summer holidays to try to minimise disruption.
We will also be doing work at the Thorneywood Mount / Porchester road junction requiring it to close.
Phase 2: Cherrywood Gardens – Emmanuel Avenue – 2025 – Dates tbc
Phase 2 is the construction of a segregated two-way cycle path on the northbound lane carriageway between Cherrywood Gardens and Kenrick Road, one-way cycle paths for northbound and southbound users from Kenrick Road to Emmanuel Avenue. Improvements will also be made to road crossings and junctions to improve walking routes and accessibility of footways for all users.
The consultation on the proposed design ran during November and December 2023 which included in-person events and an online survey. Thank you to everyone who gave us their comments and ideas. Here is some of the feedback from the consultation which we have taken on board.
The following FAQs aim to address feedback received during the consultation. If you have any questions about the scheme or consultation please email [email protected].
How will this scheme be funded?
This scheme is being funded by central government and is administered through Active Travel England. The funding has been granted for the development of this specific active travel scheme and cannot be reallocated to fund anything else. If we do not use the funding that we have been granted for this scheme it will be reallocated to another part of the country. The funding will enable the council to deliver a far more modern pedestrian and cycling-friendly scheme, with clear segregation from traffic. Nottingham City Council will continue to bid for funding for further active travel schemes.
Why do cyclists switch from one side of the carriageway to the other?
To provide a safe, fully segregated two-way cycle path from Burgass Road to Kenrick Road, the cycle path runs alongside the southbound lane carriageway between Burgass Road and Cherrywood Gardens and then switches to the northbound lane carriageway between Cherrywood Gardens and Kenrick Road. There is just one crossing for cyclists to make at a parallel crossing, similar to that on Abbey Bridge in Lenton. We’ve listened to your concerns and retained on-street parking options in certain locations. Switching to the northbound lane considerably reduces any interference the scheme would have with car parking and access to driveways.
We’ve incorporated features into the design that improve traffic calming on the road- something that we learned was very important through the consultation. We have also introduced several new crossing points for pedestrians along the route. The introduction of new refuges provides additional crossing points for pedestrians and gives right-turning vehicles protected space on the road. This will improve road safety. Vehicle speeds were repeatedly raised as a major concern during the consultation. These changes will also substantially improve access to businesses and residential side roads.
Will you update the existing road condition?
The funding has been granted mainly for the capital development of a new infrastructure scheme. However, areas where the road has potholes next to the new segregated cycle lane, footways or pedestrian crossings can be addressed with this funding. As part of the scheme, road safety audits are done regularly which identify any aspects of the existing road or layout which are deemed to be unsafe. We will therefore provide best value by saving resources, time and money to address existing maintenance needs at the same time as delivering this new infrastructure project.
How does the scheme fit into the council’s wider active travel plan?
This scheme forms part of Nottingham City Council’s cycling, walking and wheeling plan. The original funding application was submitted for two phases on Porchester Road: Burgass Road to Kenrick Road and Kenrick Road to Woodborough Road. The Council have currently been awarded funding for the first phase of the programme of work for Porchester Road. Subsequent funding may be granted in the future to provide further connectivity through the delivery of phase two. However, this first phase still brings huge benefit as a standalone scheme regardless of future funding awards.
The scheme will provide connectivity to the cycle infrastructure recently installed on Carlton Road which was delivered through previous Active Travel Funding. This means that Porchester Road will now connect into the cross-city cycle route, allowing users to navigate to, amongst other destinations, the QMC and Nottingham University (two of the largest employers in the city) with minimal interaction with traffic via Carlton Road, London Road and the Western corridor.
How will you encourage more cyclists to use this and other routes?
Studies show that investing in walking and cycling infrastructure has a direct correlation with an increase in use. Improving the safety and useability of the cycle paths and footways will encourage more people to ride, walk and wheel in Nottingham. Existing survey data in Nottingham shows cycling growing year on year as a mode of transport.
Electric bikes and scooters are becoming increasingly popular within the city and our infrastructure needs to reflect this to ensure our roads are safe for all users. Nottingham City Council partners with a number of different cycling charities such as RideWise; a charity which provides adult cycling lessons. Further information and links to all partners can be found here.
When will the work start?
Work started in summer 2024. Residents will be notified in advance before work starts.
What are the benefits of this scheme?
The design follows the best practice as issued by the UK Government. The benefits of this scheme for everyone will include:
- A more pedestrian-friendly arrangement at junctions to reflect changes to Highway Code
- Additional refuges at side road junctions to improve safety
- Improved pedestrian access to shops and businesses
- Improved bus stops
- Proper separation at junctions for visually impaired users
- New protected right turn areas at junctions currently without them
- Reduction in excessive traffic speeds through lane narrowing
- Resurfacing worn sections of the road
- Renewing footpath surfacing in selected areas
- Removal of unnecessary clutter on footpaths
- Cutting back trees and bushes overhanging path
- Improving existing pedestrian crossings
- Creating high-quality separate cycle path for cycles and electric scooters to reduce conflicts with pedestrians and motorists
- Enhancing links to new strategic routes for cyclists and scooters.